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Common Core Course 9048 Exhibition Opening Reception

Common Core Course 9048 Exhibition Opening Reception

CCHU9048 The City: Histories of Urbanism and the Built Environment

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 Dept of Urban Planning & Design

 30th November, 2015

#BuiltEnvironment #CommonCore #DUPAD #Exhibition #Urbanism


Suggested Posters

HKU Architecture 'Material Matters' Talks via ZoomCCHU 9048 The City: Histories of Urbanism and the Built EnvironmentHong Kong Agenda: Energy Saving Plan for Hong Kong's Built Environment Unforeseen Circumstances 2020-2021Communication-intensive Courses (CiC) SymposiumCommon Core Student Learning Festival 2020-2120th Anniversary Celebration of the Master of Housing ManagementInnovative ideas from the Design of Housing for the Elderly in Northern EuropePublic Lecture by Prof. Chris WebsterEmbracing Landscapes

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