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Used Book Collection Drive

Used Book Collection Drive

Used Book Collection Drive is an event co-organised with Read-Cycling, which is a government-registered NGO that aims at promoting the sharing and joy of reading, as well as the concept of knowledge-based society by encouraging the community to reach out for different domains of knowledge and interests through reading. All books collected will be re-sold at Read-Cycling's annual community-involvement event Bring A Book & Share.

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 Ctr of Dev & Resources for Students

 15th September, 2015

#CEDARS #NGO #ReadCycling #UsedBookCollectionDrive


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Law Sun Service Learning FundYang Tuck Ming & Wong Fund Ying Service Learning FundCEDARS CoPE presents: Peer Support & Empowerment 23 - 24 Careers Fair 2016 [2 - 4 Feb, 12:00-17:00, Loke Yew Hall]Empowering Hong Kong NGO LeadersSymposium on the Future of NGO Development in China: Perspectives of NGO PractitionersRead-Cycling x HKJCBIR Used Book Collection 2018Volunteer Recruitment for Used Book Collection Drive of Read-CyclingDonate Used Books to Read-Cycling for Charity!

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