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Young Investigator Award, Call for Paper - The 10th Pong Ding Yuen International Symposium on Traditional Chinese Medicine
School of Chinese Medicine
Uploaded on 2017-10-09 15:53:28
The symposium gathers renowned scholars and medical practitioners in different fields to exchange and share their latest scientific breakthroughs and explore the potential of future collaborations regardubg the discovery and development of new drug and therapeutic strategies in Integrative Medicine....
(30 Sep) Call for Papers and Registration - The 10th Pong Ding Yuen International Symposium on Traditional Chinese Medicine
School of Chinese Medicine
Uploaded on 2017-09-11 14:38:38
By gathering renowned scholars and medical practitioners, the symposium will be an interdisciplinary forum where experts exchange and share their latest scientific breakthroughs and explore the potential of future collaborations in the research of discovery and development of new drug and therapeuti...
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