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土地政策變變變工作坊 HK Land Workshop
General Education Unit
Uploaded on 2016-05-09 15:21:20
Hong Kong Land Supply 香港土地供應
General Education Unit
Uploaded on 2016-03-18 11:55:04
究竟什麼土地出現短缺,原因何在、如何解決?我們很高興邀請到發展局副局長馬紹祥先生, JP 與大家一起探討香港土地供應問題。 What land are we short of? Why? How to solve it? We are glad to have invited Mr. Ma Siu-cheung, Eric, JP, Under Secretary for ...
Hong Kong Land Supply - Prof. Yue Chim Richard Wong
General Education Unit
Uploaded on 2016-03-14 16:16:07
Hong Kong ranks no.1 for most unaffordable housing, leaving dwellers squeezing in tiny flats and street sleepers shivering in cold winter days. Meanwhile, some suggest urbanizing country parks and "brown fields". What land are we short of? Why? How to solve it?
Hong Kong Land Supply - Mr. Ma Siu-cheung, Eric, JP, Under Secretary for Development
General Education Unit
Uploaded on 2016-03-14 16:11:40
Hong Kong ranks no.1 for most unaffordable housing, leaving dwellers squeezing in tiny flats and street sleepers shivering in cold winter days. Meanwhile, some suggest urbanizing country parks and "brown fields". What land are we short of? Why? How to solve it? We are glad to have invited ...
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