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Clever Fish And Global Warming
Registry (CPAO)
Uploaded on 2023-09-20 18:40:11
HKU Science Distinguished Lecture (June 10) on Holocene temperature conundrum by Prof. Zhengyu Liu
Science Faculty
Uploaded on 2022-05-10 11:08:06
In this lecture, Professor Liu will discuss a new analysis of tropical-subtropical mean-annual SST reconstruction, which produces a cooling trend after using a method to filter the seasonal bias signal in the original SST reconstruction – and the conundrum is likely resolved over the ocean.
Climatic Catastrophe and Green Energy 氣候災變與綠能革命
General Education Unit
Uploaded on 2016-03-29 12:24:47
The 21st Conference of Parties summit (COP21) took place at the end of 2015. Heads of states agreed in general to spell the end for coal and other fossil fuels before 2050 hoping to prevent a climatic catastrophe caused by Global Warming. As we switch to renewable energy, we are also entering the ze...
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