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Ocean Park X HKU Hackathon Application Is Now Open
Technology Transfer Office
Uploaded on 2019-04-09 18:27:01
Co-organised by The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and Ocean Park, the Ocean park X HKU Hackathon is the FIRST experiential learning opportunity where HKU students and graduates will be given a week to develop innovative solutions for the Ocean Park in the fields of education, entertainment and conse...
Experiential Learning in the Faculty of Education
Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative
Uploaded on 2017-08-24 11:24:01
Visit http://el.edu.hku.hk/ to learn more about EL in the Faculty of Education!
The U-Vision Video Composer service has been retired. HKU staff and students are eligible to use TechSmith Camtasia with site license for offline video editing. More details in ITS website: https://moodle-support.hku.hk/camtasia-site-license-staff-and-students
