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Global Student Forum - EU-China Relations: Present and Future Prospects
General Education Unit
Uploaded on 2016-11-15 11:44:25
Two recent political upheavals - President-elect Donald Trump and Brexit - are about to reshape global international relationships. International co-operation, one which upheld years of prosperity and peace, and one which is disintegrating before our eyes, appears more important than ever - especial...
Global Student Forum: The Political-Economic Impact of Brexit
General Education Unit
Uploaded on 2016-09-29 10:26:54
In June 2016, a referendum in the United Kingdom threw the global economy into a turmoil. About 52% of the population of United Kingdom voted to exit the European Union Common Market which wiped off almost $2 trillion worth of stock assets from the world stock markets. On the political front, Brexit...
Global Student Forum: How to Address Gender Inequality?
General Education Unit
Uploaded on 2015-09-04 17:59:45
As HKU became the first university globally to launch the United Nations' HeForShe campaign on campus, it implores us to address the plan of action we will take to address gender inequality. It also brings to light the notion of modern day feminism that is associated with the campaign. We must q...
HKU Global Student Forum: Stay tuned for updates about our upcoming forum
General Education Unit
Uploaded on 2015-03-31 12:10:18
We are an initiative led jointly by the HKU Student Consulting Group and GE.
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