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The memorial gathering of Dr Rayson Huang

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 14th May, 2015

#MemorialGathering #RaysonHuang #memorial


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In Memory of Dr. Esther M.K. Cheung (1958-2015) - Memorial GatheringA tribute to Dr Rayson Huang, by Professor Peter MathiesonIn loving memory of Dr Rayson HuangIn Memory of Professor Y K CheungIn memory of Mr Lui Kwan Fat 發叔Remembering Professor Jao Tsung-I HKU Women athlete - Chu Wing Yan CharleneHKU Women athlete - Saloni MehtaUni-Y (HKU) Student Leader - Kimmy Suen


Sylvia       21st May, 2015 17:58

港大訃告標題「明德格知 • 道範長存」概括了黃麗松校長一生功業。他由少年時代起一直勇敢面對人生的挑戰,經歷戰亂,卻不減其對學問的認真追求;發揮個人的靈明德性,在人生每一個崗位都悉力以赴;處事正直不阿,堅守個人信念,敢於向權威挑戰,不亢不卑亦不失禮數;以身作則,包容後輩,凡事以理服人,理路清晰;這位文理兼善的學者,中西文化通達,關心時事政局,既深入認識並且掌握;此所以獲得無數讚譽,是當今青年的榜樣。 追思會上多位講者都是黃校長的故友,當天大家就不同方面分享個人感受和他們與黃校長的小故事,正好為之前的述史部分補白;雖然每人都只能說數分鐘,但也更立體地讓會眾看到他的人生,即使我們這些與他相識十多年的小輩,也很有新鮮感。 事實上,現代社會步伐怱怱,90分鐘長的追思會並不算短,但要在個半小時內細述這位九十四歲港大楷模的數十年貢獻,談何容易。

She Mang       17th May, 2015 00:47

I have paid my tribute to Dr Huang in another comment right deep from my heart. However I am kind of disappointed at the memorial gathering in just having one can food speeches after another on what Dr Huang had done to the University and Hong Kong which is well documented in one way of the other without really touched on Dr Huang as a person and his touch with students and graduates of the University as well as what he had gone through during the war years and beyond. Having read his memoir, I would think he deserve more than just having 行貨 speeches at his memorial gathering.

She Mang       17th May, 2015 00:28

My only encounter with Dr Huang had been at our congretation ceremony in 1976 when he touched us as group during the reception at the Chemistry lounge. He talked to us as a fellow human being rather than the Vice Chancellor of the University. Details of the enccounter has been blurred by time but the memory lingers as one of the moments that I was treated as respectable gentleman. Thank you Dr Huang.

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