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HKU Excellence Awards 2019 - Outstanding Teaching Award


Dr ANG Sze Wei, School of Humanities (Comparative Literature)

Professor Pauline CHIU, Department of Chemistry

Dr Brian CHUNG Hon Yin, Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

Dr Caroline Elise DINGLE, School of Biological Sciences

Dr Vichy HO Wai Chi, School of Chinese

Ms Julienne JEN, Department of Professional Legal Education Team

Professor Janny LEUNG Hiu Chi (Leader), Faculty of Arts; Dr Marco WAN Man Ho, Faculty of Law; Dr Daniel Charles MATTHEWS, Faculty of Law and Dr Anya Margaret ADAIR, Faculties of Arts and Law ‘BA&LLB Programme Curriculum’

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 Registry (CPAO)

 18th October, 2020

#OTA #Teaching #XAPC


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